Survival Skills for the Information Jungle
Survival Skills for the Information Jungle: What all kids need to know about using the Internet.
Jungles can be confusing and even dangerous to the inexperienced traveler. The sheer abundance of resources and multitude of paths in them demand the explorer have special skills if they are going to survive and thrive. This presentation describes six Information Jungle Survival Tips for students and suggests how they can be taught.
Handouts: Survival Skills for the Information Jungle
Survival Skills for the Information Jungle (1 page)
Written comments about this presentation:
- Doug Johnson was funny and hit the spot!
- Doug Johnson’s sessions were informative and entertaining
- In response to the evaluation form’s question “What speakers or topics would you suggest for future conferences?” several people wrote “More Doug Johnson!”
- Doug Johnson’s enthusiasm was contagious. The information he shared was excellent. Get him back soon!
- Neat stuff. Kept our attention till 5pm on Friday. Wow!
- Wonderful. Informative. Just what I needed.
- Real issues discussed and motivating.
- I would like him to return next year.
- Very topical and insightful. This was a very rewarding experience.

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