Jack's Photo
Jack’s class has been using the digital camera to take pictures for the school year book. Jack has found that he can use a computer program to change the photographs. He has used the program so far to make himself look like the tallest boy in the class, to blacken out the front tooth of his best buddy who will think it is funny, and to give his teacher slightly crossed eyes.
- What is the inappropriate action?
- Who committed it?
- What danger or discomfort might the unethical action cause?
- Is there a parallel in the physical world to this scenario?
- What new visual literacy skills might critical information seekers need?
- Can you think of other incidents that would fall into this category?
While this example may seem frivolous or even like “good fun,” integrity is a serious issue which even young writers and photographers need to be aware of. Deliberate distortion of events whether through words or pictures may harm both those involved in the event as well as the reputation of the reporter. The purpose of a family photo album is to make a record of the activities and appearance of individuals.
Quote of Note
“As teachers we need to help our students be aware of the issues of imaging. Photo manipulation is not just about using the technology - it is about understanding our society .” Bonnie Meltzer
Tastless? Harmless?

References (1)
Response: how credit card processing worksassociates bank
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