Entries in general writing (22)

77 ways

77 Ways Teachers Are Using Technology in the Classroom with Students (in District 77)
Published originally on the Mankato Area Public Schools’ website.

These are some of the projects our K-12 teaching staff have undertaken with students in the district during the 1995-96 school year. Information appears in this order:

Name of project
Grade level Subject Area
Software used
Brief description
Teacher’s e-mail address

100 Days Celebration
Primary Interdisciplinary
Eudora, Friends listserv
We requested and collected 100 e-mail messages from the friends list serve and mounted them on 2 large sheets of paper. We graphed the number of messages from parents, relatives, friends, other schools, other countries etc.. We picked the messages we like best and shared them with parents.

ABC Research
Primary Reading
MacSearch Library Catalog
Students used MacSearch to find books which answer questions in their research book. They will next use the Internet to search for information.

Accelerated Reader
Any Reading
Accelerated Reader Computerized Reading Management Software
This easy to use computer-based program motivates children to read more and better books. They select a book from the Accelerated Reader book list, read the book and then take a test on the computer. Our children love this program and are reading like crazy!
nthom1@washington.isd77.k12.mn.us and pwilme1@east.isd77.k12.mn.us

Altering and Re-Orchestrating a MIDI File
Middle General Music
Trax, MusicTime
In conjunction with an 8th grade interdisciplinary unit on the 1940’s, students in music class studied Glenn Miller’s big band song “In the Mood.” After studying the score, they took a MIDI arrangement of the music and re-orchestrated the piece with different instrument sounds to create a new modern version of it.

Autobiography Stack
Intermediate Language Arts
A stack of four cards with buttons is used to create a multi-media biography.

Boring Bob’s Burger Bar
Intermediate Language Arts
Writing Center
Students create a funny menu, using the Report with Heading page layout. Students list menu items and describe them. They use fonts, pictures and word processing. Limit of one page.

Computer Graphics
High school Art
Freehand, National Gallery of Art
Students gain experience using the computer as a drawing tool. Good design is stressed. National Gallery of Art is used to give students individual tours of classic works of art to look at elements of composition.

Computer Stories
Primary Reading
KidWorks 2
Students use computer graphics to illustrate a story and then write a story about the picture. An aide helps them follow directions.

Computerized Accounting
High school accounting
Computerized Accounting - Southwestern Publishing
Complete accounting simulation using a computer application
O. Hogen, East

Connections to Literature
Intermediate Reading, Geography, Social Studies
We used Netscape to search for information related to our novel Winter Camp which is set in Alaska. We found information on: aurora borealis, potlatches, weather, Denali, Alaskan wildlife, etc. We corresponded with a woman in Alaska who sent us a package of information.

Country Study
Intermediate Social Studies
World Geograph
Students research information about a country.

Creating Personalized Stationery
Intermediate Language arts
Writing Center
Students create personalized stationery that reflects their personality. They save this on disk and use it throughout the year.

Creating Your Family Tree
Middle Language Arts
Have you researched your family and now you want an easy way to enter all the information and print a beautiful family tree? This program, called “Reunion,” is simple to learn and can handle as much or as little information as you wish. This is part of the eighth graders’ autobiographies this year.

Creative Writing
Primary Language Arts
Very young students place computer graphics on a page and dictate a simple description of them to the teacher who types in the label.

Creative Writing
Intermediate Language Arts
I use the computer for a lot of creative writing - we did a poety unit and use the computer for that.

Debate Research
High school Intro to Debate , Adv. Debate
Student use the Internet to conduct research on the national debate topic.

DECA Newspaper
High school Marketing I and Marketing II
In DECA Extra Newspaper Tabloid project students sell the advertisements, design/layout the ads, and invoice all the advertisers. The computer is used for invoicing by interfacing the data base with the word processing program. The student also uses the Microsoft program to write, edit, and set the copy for the advertisement and the articles incorporated into this tabloid.

DECA Video
High school Marketing I and Marketing II
DECA Video, an activity designed to create a video used to promote the projects in DECA. The student wrote a script on the Microsoft program, video taped our project and then broadcasted this 4-minute via the West TV Network to all the classrooms on Channel 41

E-mail Buddies
Intermediate Language Arts
My 4th graders have “keypals” in California and e-mail each other about once every 2 weeks.

E-mailing Assignments
Any Any
Students are eager to check their e-mail & guess what? I enter a greeting and an assignment given in step-by-step. The final step is an e-mail message back to me.

Employment Seeking Skills Unit
High school Marketing, Career Planning, T C of Business
Students develop scannable letters of application, resumes, mock interviews, and thank you letters using word processor, spreadsheet and database.

Entrepreneurship (Organizing a Business)
High school Marketing II
MicrosoftWorks, Internet, fax machine, telephone
Students use a word processor, spreadsheet and database to develop a 12-40 page business plan. They gather data from the Internet and use the telephone and fax machine.

Primary Social Studies
After the teacher creates stacks for each student in the class and introduces the drawing tools, the student creates a picture of their family. The teacher record each student talking about their family. This “Family Album” is shared at conference time.

Finding State Information
Intermediate Social studies
Students search the Internet for information for information about the state they are researching.

Following the Space Shuttle
Intermediate Science
We used the Internet to view pictures of the shuttle including crew members, the take-off, etc.. As a class we checked into areas of interest with the many choices given to us. Great way to find information on the shuttle.

Future City Planning
High school Futurism
SimCity and SimCity 2000
Student use computer simulations to study urban planning and future forecasting.

General Classroom Use I
Primary Classroom management
see below ClarisWorks: worksheets, conference forms, report cards, editing student writing, parent communications, slide shows; MicroGrade: student grades and reports for conferences; BannerMania: bulletin boards, student awards; PrintShop: student cards for brthday, moving, signs and awards; HyperCard: create games, take attendance, presentations, sound recording, reviews

General Classroom Use II
Primary Classroom management
see below
HyperStudio: class projects and presentations; Netscape: Journey North, downloading software updates, gathering information, creating a homepage; Eudora: e-mail, Journey North; QuickTake: creating digital photos for homepage, HyperStudio and VIP pictures; After Dark Screen Saver: displaying photos of VIPs

Middle Geography
The teacher receives the game clues over Email and the students’ job is to figure out the places suggested by the clues. For example, do you know the place known as the glass capital of the world and Jeep manufacturer? And which city has a history of the Dakota Uprising, Festival of Lights, and birthplace of Maud Hart Lovelace?

Graphing Statistics
Intermediate Scientific method
After conducting an inquiry using the scientific method, we used a spreadsheet to record the results. using an LCD panel, we used out statistics to make various kinds of graphs - bar, line, etc.

Honor Roll Certificates
Our team prints and presents an Honor Roll Certificate to each of our students on the honor rolls.

HyperStudio Tutorial
Intermediate Language Arts/Technology
By using teacher written tutorials for HyperStudio, students are building stacks with buttons and graphics which “chain” them to each other.

International KeyPals
Intermediate Language Arts/Social Studies
We have keypals in Sweden. Students exchange information. They have fun while practicing writing skills, keyboarding, and similarities and differences between cultures.

Primary Geography
Netscape, Just Grandma and Me (CD-ROM)
The first graders are looking at Japanese food on the Internet. Their response so far is “I don’t want to eat that!” They are also listening to the interactive book JUST GRANDMA AND ME in Japanese.

Primary Language Arts
Each day a different child puts a journal entry on the computer. We are planning to print it as a book at the end of the year.

Intermediate Reading and Writing/Special Ed
This software is used for journal activities. For non-readers it provides icons or symbols for certain words. Illustrations are possible. The program will read a student’s writing back to them. Students find it motivating.

Journey North
Primary Interdisciplinary
Journey North is a computer-based project. Students are active investigators at the computer. Outside the classroom, students observe, record, and report signs of spring. The passage of time is recorded on maps and graphs as students use their data and data sent by other students via e-mail

Journey North
Intermediate Interdisciplinary
We are tracking caribou and learning their habits.

Letter Sounds
Primary Reading
On an “inherited” Apple //GS, at-risk and lower ability students use software which helps reinforce the sounds of letters.

Letter Writing
Primary S.A.F.E.
We are writing e-mail letters to our favorite teachers to let them know we liked them. We wanted to brighten their day!

Lincoln and Washington
Primary Social Studies, Language Arts
Students gather information and pictures from the Internet to write reports about the presidents.

M&M Math
Intermediate Math
Netscape - Kidsphere discussion group
There are a variety of activities to participate in by sending a response statement to the organizer. Participation is from around the world.

Maud Hart Lovelace Book Contest
Intermediate Library/Literature
Each participating student keeps track of the books they read using ClarisWorks. They must include a few sentences about the book.
pwilme1@east.isd77.k12.mn.us (Washington Elementary)

Mock Congress
High school Government
Internet (Web), Sirs Researcher, ClarisWorks
Research and write a legislative bill using Internet and other digital resources.

Music Composing
Middle General Music
A music composing activity done by 8th graders which involves creating song, sound piece, percussion piece, or other type of musical composition using synthesizers connected to Macintoshes via MIDI.

Penguin Stories
Language Arts KidPix
Using KidPix I prepare a project for my students: My penguin goes _____________. He sees________ and ____________. He got to ____________________.

Personal Journal
Intermediate Language Arts
ClarisWorks or Writing Center
Student writing is saved daily to a journal on disk. They have given me permission to write back to them in their journals. In my EBD room, it has proven to be a way to privately share information.

Intermediate Language Arts
Poets type in their work on the computer, choosing font and size. When printed, it is displayed!

Intermediate Language Arts
Each student wrote ideas for a poem in long hand and then proofread and revised them. They used ClarisWorks to make their final draft and spell check their work. They saved their work to a file.

Poetry Packet
Intermediate Language Arts
ClarisWorks or Writing Center
A collection of poems is word processed following guidelines.

Polar Express Share the Spirit ‘95 Campaign
Primary Library/Literature
Students sent E-Mail to Houghton Mifflin in response to their request, so that free copies of this book would be donated to children’s hospitals. HM received a total of 23,200 responses and donated 923 copies of the books and 92 CD-ROM’s to various instsitutions. We tracked the campaign weekly.
pwilme1@east.isd77.k12.mn.us (Washington Elementary)

Rabbit Tracks
Primary Writing
Our keypals sent us a stuffed rabbit called Nala through snail mail. Each child is taking Nala home to visit. They are writing what they show Nala and do with her. When they bring Nala back to school the next day, we e-mail their writing to our keypals in Canada.

Real Life Communications Skills
Intermediate Language arts
My Downs Syndrome students and I send messages back and forth as we have the opportunity. It is great reading and writing practice.

Report Writing I
ntermediate Social studies
Groliers MultiMedia Encyclopedia
Research data on African animals for reports to class. View animals using photographs and videos from the electronic encylopedia.

Sales Demonstration
High school Marketing I, Marketing II
Video camera, TV, VCR, word processor and database
A merchandise display is built and a video tape (which is later critiqued) is made of students role playing a customer greeting and sale.

Scavenger Hunt
Intermediate Interdisciplinary/ESL
Students locate and use information found on 5 teacher selected Internet sites. Students then find sites on their own. They found 25 the first month.

Intermediate Library Research
Each student had to print out a page from the Internet on their topic to use in their SEARCH paper.
pwilme1@east.isd77.k12.mn.us (Washington Elementary)

Searching for and Converting Sound Files
Middle General Music N
etscape, QuickTime, MoviePlayer 2.1
Students do online searches of Internet for music and sound files, and learn how to play them in QuickTime. They will also learn how they take a MIDI composition that they have made and convert it into a QuickTime sound file.

Spain Travel Brochure
High school Spanish
Web browser
Create a Spanish language travel brochure. Students used Internet and discovered new Internet addresses to collect information about cities, history, climate etc.

State Reports
Intermediate Language Arts/Library/History/Geography
PCGlobe, PCUSA, Netscape
Students must supplement print sources with computer research on their state. Information on one topic from their outline must be found using the computer. Reports are also printed using the computer.
bweigh1@kennedy.isd77.k12.mn.us (and others)

Students at Work
Middle Tech Ed
Claris Works, Quick Take
Students produced a newsletter using Claris Works, a Quick Take Camera, and a color printer. It tells the readers what other students have been producing in Tech Ed.

Study of the United States
Intermediate Geography Elementary Social Studies III
Students use this program to reinforce the location of states and their capitals.

Survey Unit
Middle interdisciplinary
Students created graphs (in math) supporting their hypotheses developed (in social studies) which where written into surveys. These were distributed, collected and evaluated and presentations of the findings were given in (communications class).
tcoyou1@east.isd77.k12.mn.us and others

Teaching Reply on E-mail
Any Information literacy
Students draw the e-mail address of another student in class. Each student send the question half of a riddle to the drawn address. The recipient uses the Reply feature to supply an answer.

Telecommunications Unit
High school Business Education/Computer
MS Works; Info-Bridge; Eudora; Netscape; TurboGopher; Blue Skies
We explore the history of communications and how it affects our lives. Students are taught Email and have keypals in the US and abroad; learn how to use the Internet for research; and simulate on-line banking and shopping.
kjense1@west. isd77.k12.mn.us

The Important Book
Intermediate Language Arts
ny word processing program
After reading The Important Book , students choose a topic list some imprtant or unique aspects of the topic, and then write sentences following the format of the book: “The important thing about _____ is that ______. The write three sentences about the topic.

Things That Go Together
Primary Reading and Language Arts
In pairs, students create hypermedia pages of things that go together like salt and pepper, cats and dogs, etc. when working on the spelling word “and.” The stack can be read by students whenever they are at the computer.

Tuesday Books
Primary Language Arts
Storybook Weaver
Students write and illustrate an original story based on the picture book Tuesday by David Wiesner using Storybook Weaver software.

Vernier Graphing Program
High school Science/Math
graphing program from Vernier software
Purchase of 1 copy gives site license for entire school.
Data can be manipulated to search for relationships between variables.

Video Conferencing to Solve Math Problems
Primary Math
QuickCam, CUSeeMe, Stuffit Expander
Students use a small digital camera and microphone attached to the classroom computer to send a Math Problem of the Day to classroom in another school in the district. Students use data about North Mankato and Eagle Lake to create and solve the problems.
jhatle1@eagle.isd77.k12.mn.us, tschue1@hoover.isd77.k12.mn.us

Virtual Tour of Norway
Primary Social Studies
I found current information and pictures of Norway about arts and entertainment, education, sports, business and finance. I got into a Virtual Tour of Norway and pulled up some neat colored photographs.while a small group gathered around my computer to watch these photos develop before us.

Volcano Report
Primary Social Studies
ClarisWorks, QuickTake Camera
When studying land forms as a part of a Mexico unit, students construct and erupt their own volcano models. Digital pictures were taken of the models and used as an illustration in a report. Parents helped with the project.

Weather Project
Primary Science, Language Arts
Using e-mail, first graders sent a weather report from Eagle Lake to a group of nine other schools across North America. In return we received a forecast from each school in the group.
Unsigned at Eagle Lake

Winter Weather Project
Primary Math, Science
We share information about our winter - temperature, clothing, activities, and food with schools in 15 other states and 4 foreign countries!

Word processing
Primary Language Arts/Writing
Children’s Writing Center
Children add pictures and fonts to word processed writing.

Any Language arts
My Special ed kids dislike writing but using the computer eases the task - from spelling to creative stories about feelings and conflict.

Writing Captions
Primary Language arts/G&T
Writing Center or ClarisWorks
Students organize a shuffled series of photos taken during a field trip and arrange them in an album. Students use the computer to write captions for the photos. The album is kept in classroom library and is a favorite.

This page last updated May 6, 1996

Posted on Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 12:13PM by Registered CommenterDoug Johnson in | Comments2 Comments | EmailEmail | PrintPrint
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