A Professional Fitness Plan
A Professional Fitness Plan: Web 2.0 Tools to Develop a Personal Learning Network
Continuing education prior to Web 2.0 consisted of reading professional journals, attending library conferences, and taking college classes. These activities are still available and important. But given the pace and amount of change, they alone are insufficient to keep most of us current with the happenings in librarianship and information technology. This workshop explores online continuing education options, both formal and informal, and strategies for developing one’s own Personal Learning Network.

Reader Comments (2)
Great info, i appreciate your kind knowledge
Truer words have never been spoken. Reading professional books has always been a catalyst in my teaching. I now find technology to be equal to the task. I once heard Eugenia Clark, the famous shark researcher, reply to the question, "How can you study sharks for a life time?" Her answer was"Every time one question is answered ten more arise." Well,very time I learn one skill several more pop up. I find technology is like a vitamin-it adds a little more zip to my teaching.