It’s just that easy.
No, it’s not really easy at all. That’s why the workshop on market strategies included time for individual participants to begin work on their own marketing campaigns which were later shared and critiqued.
The one I planned is below.
Strategic Marketing Campaign for Mankato Area Public School Library Media Center: awareness@your library media center
Goal: to create, administer and assess a 3-year marketing campaign for Mankato Area Public Schools’ library media centers that can be shared as an example for other schools across the state of Minnesota.
Year One Action plan:
Spring 2003: meet with SLMS to share the materials and recommendations from this workshop. Ask that SLMS be thinking about target audiences for marketing campaign and priorities of those audiences and a primary message to be added to the @your library media center theme. Include the marketing campaign as part of the district’s media technology objectives for 2003-04 school year.
Fall 2003:
Conduct the marketing workshop during teacher preparation week at departmental meeting with SLMS and PR director. Do sticky-wall activity. Write up results. Share results and ask for input at October District Media Technology Advisory Group meeting.
Begin ordering any pens, posters, or other commercial “message vehicles” decided on by groups.
Introduce the campaign’s theme and activities to district administrators.
Assign sub-committees for marketing efforts to SLMS at first staff development day.
Have written plan finished no later than November 2003 that includes: target audience, major messages, 3-5 formal activities, and assessments.
Write regular articles for state library media organization newsletter about the campaign.
Offer workshops at state library media organization fall conference on @your library media center marketing.
Spring 2003:
Conduct planned activities.
Complete assessments.
Give report to District Media Technology Advisory Group and School Board.
Generate ideas for modifying and/or expanding campaign for 2004-05 year.
Write regular articles for state library media organization newsletter about the campaign.
Offer workshops at winter state library media organization conference on @your library media center marketing.
I am afraid I didn’t get to fish and did not come home with any more PostIt Notes than I left with. But thanks to the generosity and hospitality of 3M, I did get the opportunity to work with some exceptional people from the company and exceptional library folks from across the country, dress up as The Cat in the Hat, and bring home the conviction that a good marketing campaign is vital for every school library media program to have along with some skills to design such a campaign.
Plan to attend the big @your library roll out at the fall AASL conference in Kansas City. Attend the marketing workshops and sessions being given there. Seek out the person from your state who attended the Wonewok retreat and ask for a marketing workshop in your own state. Collaborate with other types of libraries on a state-wide @your library campaign. Hone your marketing skills.
Do it before you become a rumor.