Head for the Edge, May/June 2010
There are a number of workers I just don’t see much of anymore…
Below is a chart labeled with the sexy title “Trends in Tasks Done by the U.S. Workforce 1969-1998 (1969=0)” that appeared way, way back in 2004.1
Parking lot attendants and their kindred that have gone missing fall into the “Routine Cognitive Work” and ‘Routine Manual Work” categories. The information given and processes performed were all standardized - multiple-choice answers, if you will. Any situation arose that called for something more than an A, B, C, or D response a supervisor was found.
So a couple questions…
Are librarians vulnerable to these shifts in this labor market? Will librarians who are only information dispensers, book readers, babysitters, checkout clerks, and multiple choice quiz givers be automated and “go missing?” Can even readers’ advisors be automated? (Amazon seems to do a pretty good job.)
Have you asked yourself lately which of the tasks on which you spend your time are routine? Do most things do you do require professional judgment, problem-solving and, yes, creativity? What do you provide that an online resource can’t?
If all educators, librarians, teachers and administrators, don’t attended to adding value as expert thinkers and complex communicators, rebelling against “teacher-proof” classroom models, fact-heavy mandated curricula, and objective basic skills testing as a sole measure of student performance, the de-professionalizing of our jobs may well come sooner rather than later.
It’s human nature to grouse a bit when confronted by a problem at work. Perhaps we ought to be grateful instead, if problems are what allow us to demonstrate our complex communication and expert thinking skills helping insure our jobs.
Are we giving our students experience practicing “Complex Communications” and “Expert Thinking” skills in their assignments? Daniel Pink in his new book Drive2 suggests all teachers ask these questions about the homework they give:
If we are really believe future workers need to be creative problem-solvers, why do we still give objective tests over the recall of trivia and only test low-level basic skills on such a regular basis? Do we construct information and technology literacy projects that honestly call for higher order thinking skills – or are we asking only for a simple regurgitation of trivia? Do we ask our students to both communication complex ideas and to do so with complex media?
I keep thinking about a prediction made in the mid-90’s by a federal DOE official. She suggested that one day schools for the economically disadvantaged would be full of computers (drill and practice, programmed learning, evaluators) while wealthy schools would have human teachers (mentors, guides, challengers). Ironic at the time; accurate today.
Those being trained by automatons to be automatons will be among the first to go missing in tomorrow’s job market.